best travel destinations

If you consider yourself a diehard fan of ‘Game of Thrones’, then you must have wondered all these 8 seasons of the series about the places where the shooting is conducted. Based on the novel of R.R Martin, this American fantasy drama has swayed a larger audience with its suspended animation and twisting key plots.

If you have seen the series, the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros must have captured your imagination their exceptionally unique shock-and-awe art of storytelling. So while we wait breathlessly for the finale season of GOT, let`s take a tour of the real places, where the entire epic series was shot. You can book tickets to these unbelievable destinations:

  1. WINTERFELL – shot at Doune Castle

While we are sure that most of us are still not over the grief of Ned Stark getting killed in the first season, the castle which was drenched in murder, treachery and blood bath was the Doune Castle in Scotland and Castle Ward in County Down, Norther Ireland. The magnificent castle is an amalgamation of Gothic and Classical architecture and adding to its charm are the sprawling lawns at the outdoors. One of the best travel destinations, book your flight to Ireland, now!

book your flight to Ireland

  1. KING`S LANDING- Croatia

The King`s Landing that was the epicenter of power, politics and passion, the capital of the seven kingdoms in the GOT was ruled by the House Baratheon and later, House Lannister. Most of the King`s Landing part was shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Visit the Minceta Tower, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the Season 2 was shot. Croatia is also one of the best travel destinations and you can visit here by booking a direct flight.        

best travel destinations                      

  1. NORTH OF THE WALL- Iceland

The gigantic wall, the northern-most part of Westeros, which was the home of dreaded White Walkers and mythical creatures, was Vatnajoskull. Located in the south-east Iceland, the long and endless land covered with heavy snow in the background was shot here. When you are in Iceland, one more landmark from the GOT is Grjótagjá – the famous spring where Jon Snow meets his love of life. This thermal spring has temperatures that can go up to 50 degrees Celsius. Do not forget to take a dip here.

best travel destinations

  1. THE IRON ISLANDS- Ballintoy Harbor

Theon Greyjoy`s treachery and his fateful journey of becoming Reek is unforgettable in the series, when he goes to Isle of Pyke and the Iron Islands. However, the dark and eerie place shown in the movie is actually – Ballintoy Harbor. Located in Northern Ireland, the place is a bright and sunny fishing village with a stunning harbor and serene views.

best travel destinations

While the Season 8 of ‘Game of Thrones’ is due for next year in April, 2019, you can explore all the destination where the shoot of your favorite show have taken place for all these years. So book your tickets to some of the best travel destinations for your next holiday. Before booking, compare tickets at    Smart Flyer will give you the cheapest flight options by comparing thousands of travel sites and airlines. Use it now!


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